Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

12 weeks old today!

Case now weighs 12.5 lbs and is smiling and babbling a lot. He has learned to roll over but he cries every time he does it. And he refuses to do it for the video camera. He enjoys bath time now too. He may be the next Michael Phelps. He has been eating a few bites of baby bananas every couple of days. He loves them. He stays awake now for 5 or 6 hours sometimes and he sleeps through the night every night. He is quite the ham!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update

We are back home and we have power. Our neighborhood was one of the first to have power restored. Our house faired pretty well. We lost some shingles and we think there's a little water damage but other than that no problems. There was quite a bit of erosion in my flower beds we just worked on and the crepe myrtles were nearly uprooted along with the rose bush, but the fence remained standing along with the front pine tree. Our neighbors lost part of their fence and the other neighbor has a street sign in his back yard. Many neighbors' roofs look worse than ours and many lost trees. A lot of people on our street have friends and family staying with them because of the power outages. Businesses are beginning to open back up. Monday, when we got home, we had to wait in line to go into Wal-Mart. There was no cold stuff but we got free bananas. Stoplights are sporadic. The local stations have shown news around the clock until today. We are now getting bits and pieces of tv programs. Many school districts are closed. We are under a curfew. As of yesterday, we can drink our water again. The weather has been pleasant allowing everyone to enjoy being outside and opening windows.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

We are evacuating to Omaha, Tx as of 6 PM Thursday night. Despite the Harris County judge's urging to shelter in place, we feel it is safest for us and Case to head out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A few more pictures

This is a clue to what Case is going to be for Halloween. Any guesses?

Gnawling on one of his teethers.

Lounging on the couch...

You'd never know a major hurricane is coming.

Steiny thinks he needs to go in the carrier too.

Everyone asks...

How are the animals coping with Case?

Well, Big Harley has packed his bags and moved himself outside. He only comes in to eat.

Olivia lives on top of the entertainment center.

Coal hides in strange places like the laundry.

Maddy is MIA and Steiny has made a new best friend.

And I almost forgot, Bailey, the mouse, passed away.

In all honesty, everyone has ajusted well. The cats really don't pay much attention to Case and the dogs bring him their toys. There's never a dull moment.